More Projects!

Weather Forecast

Users can search a query of cities and view the current and future weather forecast for their selected location. This project uses React, Hooks, Tailwind CSS, and a third party API. View the deployed site here. Take a look at the Github repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • Hooks
  • Tailwind CSS
  • API
Screenshot of weather app.

Latest Project

Trax Music Streaming

A full-stack music streaming app, which authorizes user access to a music profile with playlists and songs. This project uses a PostgreSQL database on Heroku, Next.js, TypeScript, serverless functions, prisma database schemas, reusable UI components, and API calls. Take a look at the Github repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Postgres
Screenshot of the Wall of Trax.

Course Project

Memory Game

Users can play memory from easy to challenging levels, which change the amount of cards displayed and time intervals they flip at. This project uses custom hooks, API calls, and CSS to provide a fun game for users to enjoy! Take a look at the Github repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • CSS
  • API
Screenshot of memory game.

Course Project

Shopping Cart

Users can route to the store page to add, remove, increase, and decrease items from the shopping cart, which displays the sum total of items and price. This app uses React, TypeScript, and Bootstrap through local data storage. View the deployed project here, and the Github repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Bootstrap
Screenshot of shopping cart.

Course Project

Color Generator

Search colors by name and hex codes to find colors for projects. Users can click on a color and the hex code is copied to the clipboard. Search for colors on the deployed site here. View the gitHub repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of Color Generator.

Course Project

Nasa photo of the day

Learn about our galaxy on the deployed site. This project connects to the NASA photo of the day API, and displays each new days photo as well as a description of the photo. Take a look at the Github repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • CSS
  • API
Screenshot of NASA.

Course Project

Cocktail Search

Search for new cocktail recipes through API technology and click on details to be routed to a new page with a recipe and description of each cocktail. View the deployed project here, and the Github repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • API
Screenshot of Cocktail Search.

Course Project

Adventure Website

This webpage displays Links, a Navbar, a footer, and page layout using CSS Flexbox technology, as well as react-router to route to different pages. View the deployed site here. View the gitHub repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of adventure site.

Course Project

Art Gallery

This project displays different sections of artwork designed through both CSS Flexbox and Grid systems. View the deployed project here, and the Github repository here.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS:
  • Flexbox
  • Grid
Screenshot of Art Page.